Citation - Boston Gazette: 1775.11.27

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Index Entry King's Own Regulars... [t] [beg] Since you all will have singing, and wont 
Location Boston 
27 Nov 1775:41,42 (1071)
and their triumphs over the irregulars.
A new song, to the tune of, An Old Courtier of the Queen's,
and the Queen's Old Courtier.
  Since you all will have singing, and won't be said, nay,
  I cannot refuse where you so beg and pray;
  So I'll sing you a song -- as a body may say,
  'Tis of the King's regulars, who ne'er run way.
[chorus:]  O the old soldiers of the King, and the King's
own Regulars.
. . . [15 verses more]

Generic Title Boston Gazette 
Date 1775.11.27 
Publisher Edes, Benjamin, at Watertown 
City, State Boston, MA 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0006532
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